Summer break will be here before we know it! With a little planning, you can find programs for your kids with special needs to keep them busy during break. Children who qualify for the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and the Arizona Long-Term Care System (ALTCS) can attend summer programs at no cost to their families by using Day Treatment and Training-Summer (DTS) hours. Your child’s DDD support coordinator can authorize the hours, usually four hours per weekday, and assign them to a provider of your choice. Ask your coordinator for a list of programs or search here:
Other options include camps offered by your city’s parks and recreation adaptive services program, or through private companies. Raising Arizona Kids offers a list of adaptive programs here: and a list of summer camps here: (there is a section for special needs camps). In addition, some summer programs are open to any child. Parents can contact the coordinators directly to inquire about accommodations and decide what’s a good fit for their children with special needs.
Call Raising Special Kids at 602-242-4366 if you need more information about summer programs for your child!