Your Child Was Not Determined Eligible for AzEIP

When our children are young and growing, we as parents are excited about their progress and the milestones they are meeting, they grow so fast!  If your child seems to be a little behind, it is certainly reasonable to seek out help, share concerns with their pediatrician, and place a referral with the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP). Early intervention is key for children with developmental delays and parents being proactive in the process of getting services established is important!

 AzEIP has certain criteria that a child has to meet during the evaluation process in order to be eligible for services. Sometimes children do not quite meet that level of developmental delay, but still need support. If your child was referred to AzEIP and determined not eligible during the evaluation process, help and resources are still available for your family. Please note that you can choose to re-refer your child to AzEIP if you feel, as time goes on, that they are still not on track with their developmental milestones.

If you would like to re-refer your child to the Arizona Early Intervention Program and they are still under the age of three, call AzEIP Central Referral to get the process started again: 602-635-9799. Re-referral is a similar process to the initial AzEIP referral made for your child.

Call Raising Special Kids

If you are concerned about your child’s developmental delay, but they didn’t qualify for AzEIP services, our team can still help! Our team can provide guidance, resources, trainings, and connections to other parents to help you navigate how to support your young child with developmental delays.

Call: 602-242-4366 or 800-237-3007

Accessing Therapies through Insurance

Accessing therapies through insurance is another option to consider for your child. If your family has a private insurance plan or public insurance through the Arizona Health Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), you can work with your child’s pediatrician on getting referrals for therapy evaluations if it is deemed appropriate. If you need help accessing therapies through your current insurance, contact Raising Special Kids.

Applying for Health Insurance

AHCCCS – Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid agency that offers health care programs to serve Arizona residents. Individuals must meet certain income and other requirements to obtain services.

KidsCare – Arizona’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

AHCCCS offers health insurance through KidsCare for eligible children (under age 19) who are not eligible for other AHCCCS health insurance. For those who qualify, there are monthly premiums.

*** Even if your child was not approved for AzEIP, you may contact your AHCCCS plan to have them screened, and evaluated, and if needed, treatment may be provided and is covered by AHCCCS under the Under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit (§1905(r))

Home Visiting Programs

Home visiting programs are another option for families. They provide new and expectant parents with information, support, and referrals to community resources and services, promote good maternal and child health, home safety, food security, and positive parenting. There are several home visiting programs in Arizona, you can find a local program in your area at First Things First.

Do you still have questions? Need more information? Want to talk to someone about your situation? Contact Raising Special Kids!

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