Legislative Resources

For families of children with disabilities, understanding how the Legislature works when it comes to funding services and passing new legislation that affects families is essential. Below, you’ll find important links and contact information to learn more about legislative issues and how they impact families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs.

Click here to see the bills we are following.

Your voice is important. Learning to advocate for your child is an important skill that will assist you at all ages and stages of your child’s development. Click here to find info on Request to Speak trainings.

For more information on how you can get involved, contact Raising Special Kids at (602) 242-4366, or (800) 237-3007.

Arizona State Legislature
Track pending legislation, locate and contact individual legislators, and stay up-to-date on current issues.

The Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition is committed to informing families of the latest news from the State Capitol. By accessing their website you’ll have access to current legislation under consideration, budget updates affecting families, and other resources and links to outside organizations that can assist you.

Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Arizona’s state planning council for people with developmental disabilities.

The Protecting Arizona’s Family Coalition (PAFCO) is a historic, diverse, non-partisan alliance of social services, health, community service agencies, advocacy groups, citizen advocacy, and faith-based associations. Hundreds of social, health, and community services agencies, human services groups, citizen action and advocacy groups, and faith-based congregations are represented in the Coalition. The Coalition members include an estimated 20,000 staff, board members and volunteers serving over 1.5 million people. PAFCO was formed to stop drastic budget cuts to health and human services and urge better options to these budget cuts.

The mission of the PAFCO Coalition is to promote increased health and human services funding while stopping budget cuts to these programs, through new revenues created by fair and equitable tax reform

Family Voices
Family Voices is a national grassroots network that advocates for health care services and provides information for families with children and youth with special health care needs. Raising Special Kids serves as the Arizona chapter of Family Voices.

Children’s Action Alliance
Kids can’t speak out for themselves but you can help make their voices heard through Children’s Action Alliance. Children’s Action Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan research, education and advocacy organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of Arizona’s children and families.

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