Community Events

The events listed below are not organized by Raising Special Kids. We provide this information as a convenience to our readers. If there is a problem with any event, please contact the organizers. If you want an event to be considered for listing, please email[Inclusion on this list does not indicate endorsement.]


July 25 Sensory Movie Event (Prescott Valley) must register by June 30

July 28 Red White & Ice – Skating event

July 31 The SPAN Youth Chat for Ages 14-26

August 14 Project SEARCH and Work Programs

August 20 ADHD Across the Lifespan: How Symptoms Evolve and Fluctuate

August 29 Discover the Dani Plan (a centralized hub to organize and consolidate all information needed to care for an individual with special needs)

September 11 Utilizing Technology for Employment

September 4-6 Arizona’s 2024 IDEA Conference


On-Demand Inclusion of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Supports in the General Education Classroom

Recorded CIRCLES: Teaming to Build Collaborative Partnerships

Every Monday This is My Life self-advocacy classes (SAZ residents)

Every Wednesday Linkages Job Club (Pima County residents)

Every Friday Self-Advocate Coffee Break

Every First Wednesday Autism Society of Greater Phoenix Evening Online Support Group

Every First Friday Virtual Adult Social Club

Every First Saturday Autism Society of Greater Phoenix Autistic Adult Meetup

Every Second Tuesday Northern Arizona Special Needs Support Group for Parents

Every Second Wednesday CHADD of Tucson Adult Support Group

Every Second Thursday Little’s Meet Up (for autistic kids 8 and under) – Tucson

Every Second Saturday Club Zeus – special needs nightclub – Tucson

Every Third Tuesday Autism 101 (online)

Every Third Tuesday Autism Society of Greater Phoenix Morning Online Support Group

Every Third Friday In-Person Adult Social Club – Tucson

Every Fourth Wednesday Transition 101 (online)

Every Fourth Thursday Autism Society of SAZ Parent Peer Support Group

Every Fourth Saturday Autistic Adult Support Group (online)

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