Turning 18-Legal Options
OnlineLearn about the different legal options available for families of children with disabilities when their child becomes an adult at 18.
Learn about the different legal options available for families of children with disabilities when their child becomes an adult at 18.
Learn the basics of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), how to make smooth transitions from early intervention to preschool and to Kindergarten.
Learn about the special education process and the Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Learn about how your baby’s brain works and how executive functions develop.
Learn what parents, children and the school can do about bullying.
Learn about the special education process and the Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Many parents experience increased conflict with their teenagers during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Parents may find this change […]
Examine barriers to talking about sexuality and gain knowledge about sexuality and developmental disabilities.
Conozca las diferentes opciones legales disponibles para las familias de niños con discapacidades cuando su hijo se convierte en adulto.
Examine las barreras para hablar sobre la sexualidad y obtenga conocimientos sobre la sexualidad y las discapacidades del desarrollo.
Aprenda a ayudar a su hijo a reducir el comportamiento no deseado y a aumentar el comportamiento preferido.
Learn what a 504 plan is, how to request one, and the difference between a 504 plan and an IEP (Individualized Education Program).