I hope you are all enjoying the cooler temperatures that September and October bring to Arizona across the state. And I hope you will find this edition of Connecting informative with our main article focusing on the complex issue of discipline in schools for students who have disabilities. The article stresses the importance of parental involvement and advocacy in ensuring student success. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to his piece and brought their experience, expertise and words of wisdom.
The ins and outs of federal and state laws and regulations can often leave families confused about the next right ‘thing’ to do, especially when their child is in the thick of a disciplinary action (formal or informal). For over 40 years RSK has had at the core of its mission the philosophy that informed parents make better partners in the education of children and that with the right set of information, training, and support, families are their child’s best, most natural, advocate. With accurate, understandable information and support, families are given tools and shown how to use them in the best interest of their child(ren).
It is our great hope that our main article, with its balance of technical information and communication tips and strategies for families, is a tool that families can use if the complex issue of school discipline becomes a reality, as it has for many families raising a child with a disability.

Christopher Tiffany