Where did the time go? It’s hard to believe that we find ourselves in the fourth quarter of the 2022-2023 school year as temperatures start rising and we turn our attention to activities for the summer and ready ourselves for Memorial Day weekend, which typically coincides with the end of the school year for most Arizona K-12 education programs.
For families of children in high school who are 16 and 17 years old, the question of, ‘where did the time go?’ often holds a deeper meaning, an underlying more pressing concern and a follow-up question, ‘my child is turning 18, what’s next?’ Though there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the complex question of what happens when a child with a disability reaches the age of majority, there is a network of families who have traveled this path, which we believe, at RSK, is a critically important resource. Parent to Parent support is the cornerstone of our organization and the philosophy of families helping families is the heart of our mission.
In this issue of Connecting we have partnered with families to bring their experiences, and with professionals to discuss resources, in an effort to shine some light on the transition to adulthood for individuals with disabilities and their families. I would like to personally thank (in order of appearance in the article): Marla Brotherton, John Burns, Tona TreeTop, Sophia Lehrich, Amanda Steele, and Nicholas Love for their participation and their help. Also, Kelly Thomas with DDD who provided input. We believe that parents and family members working in concert with dedicated and knowledgeable professionals ensure positive health and education outcomes for young adults who have disabilities.
Christopher Tiffany