Dalton’s School Success

Mom with young son and daughter

Nicole’s son began having seizures before kindergarten. Upon entering school, he had difficulties adjusting to the classroom environment. “He was in intervention all the time, but it was due to behavior that we did not see at home.”

The family was puzzled by Dalton’s behavior, but they relied on the evaluation results and placement recommendation they received. “When my son first entered school, I went through the IEP process in the dark. I was thinking the school was going to help me with whatever he needs.”

Dalton was placed in the most restrictive environment available. As his behavior continued to escalate Nicole reached out for additional help. “Raising Special Kids helped me to understand the steps of special education. With that assistance, my next IEP meeting was the most successful one I’d ever had. Collaborating with the IEP team was a new experience for me—it was so refreshing to work with a team that heard me out.”

Dalton’s placement was changed. “We finally addressed the issue that a less restrictive environment had never been tried for him. Now he is doing really well. He is more comfortable with his program, and he is making progress,” reported Nicole.

“I think of the training I received as ‘Education for Parents!’ Now I can continue to acquire more knowledge, and it is comforting to know I always have a place to go to for help.”

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