News & Updates

Important Changes Coming to AHCCCS and KidsCare Eligibility

Starting April 1, 2023 Medicaid state agencies can terminate Medicaid coverage for individuals who are no longer eligible following a redetermination. For many children, it will be critical for their parents to update their contact information with their state Medicaid agency and to respond quickly to requests for Medicaid verification, otherwise they could lose coverage unnecessarily.

Important Changes Coming to AHCCCS and KidsCare Eligibility Leer más »

ACDL and RSK Position on HB2460

Raising Special Kids operates Arizona’s Parent Training and Information Center funded under Part D of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. On behalf of Arizona families raising students with disabilities we support the advocacy efforts put forward by Arizona Center for Disability Law on this important topic and feel that the proposed legislation would negatively impact students with disabilities and their families.

ACDL and RSK Position on HB2460 Leer más »

Desarrollo de capacidades: Desarrollar las habilitdades de los padres motiva a los(as) hijos(as) a perseguir sus propios sueños

Cuando los padres y las madres saben defender a sus hijos(as) con necesidades especiales de manera positiva y participativa, los ayudan a aprender a defenderse por sí mismos y a vivir sus vidas lo mejor posible.

Desarrollo de capacidades: Desarrollar las habilitdades de los padres motiva a los(as) hijos(as) a perseguir sus propios sueños Leer más »

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