It has made a world of difference!

As Cristina Renteria prepared to send her son Atlas to developmental preschool, she ran into difficulties regarding his medical complexities. Atlas requires additional support including nursing and the school team had challenges in meeting those needs due to staffing shortages. She reached out to Raising Special Kids for guidance and advice on how to advocate for her son. Cristina wanted to address the educational time and related services Atlas would miss by not being at school.
“The Raising Special Kids staff shared their experience and expertise in navigating similar situations for their own children,” Cristina said. “They understood the exhausting and emotional journey that often overshadows the once-anticipated excitement of this milestone. The RSK team reminded me that as a parent, I am also a vital part of Atlas’s IEP team. They gave me the knowledge and training to understand my rights and responsibilities.” Guidance from the Family Support team gave Cristina the knowledge and confidence to effectively advocate for her son.
“With that foundation, I was able to find my own balance on how to effectively collaborate with our school, and together we created a solid, actionable IEP,” Cristina shared. “It was admittedly a rough start, but with the right information and strategies we were able to solve every problem that has come our way. Atlas has had an amazing year at preschool, made so much progress in all areas, and has even made friends!”
“I am thankful that Raising Special Kids gave me the tools to advocate for my child’s right to education,” Cristina added. “It has made a world of a difference.”